Understanding Alcohol Testing 
in Care Proceedings: A Case Study

Join us for an essential webinar designed specifically for family law solicitors and local authorities, addressing the critical issue of alcohol testing and interpretation in care proceedings.

8th August 2024On Demand

Duration: 45 minsDuration: 45 mins


Family LawyersFamily Lawyers

Local AuthoritiesLocal Authorities

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The Critical Role of Alcohol Testing in Family Court Decisions

Alcohol testing in care proceedings is a crucial aspect of assessing parental fitness and the welfare of children involved in family court cases. The court may order alcohol testing to determine the level of a parent's alcohol consumption when there are concerns about substance misuse affecting their ability to care for their children.

Various types of tests can be employed, such as hair strand tests, which can provide a history of alcohol use over several months, and blood tests, which offer more data on recent consumption. The results of these tests can influence court decisions, such as custody arrangements or the need for intervention services, by providing objective evidence of alcohol use patterns. The process is designed to ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of the child, balancing the need for accurate information with respect for the privacy and rights of the individuals involved.

This webinar will provide in-depth insights into the types of alcohol testing used at child care pre-proceedings and proceedings, results understanding, and case studies, helping you to better serve and protect your clients.

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Understanding Alcohol Markers

Learn how to read Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG), Ethyl Palmitate (EtPa), Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) and SCRAM, while understanding the factors that could affect the results.

Expert Insights

Hear from leading experts in the fields of toxicology and family law about the latest developments and recommendations.

Certificate of Attendance

We will provide a certificate of attendance to all those who complete the webinar.

Case Studies

Review real-world case studies that highlight the impact of alcohol markers interpretation on your cases.

CPD Opportunity

Fulfil continuing professional development (CPD) requirements while gaining valuable knowledge that directly impacts your practice.

Questions & Answers

A question and answer session will be open to answer any questions regarding all related issues or in regards to a current case that you may have.

Meet the Speakers

Dr. Salah Breidi

Expert in Toxicology, Expert in Family Court and County Court


Dean Clifton

Client Manager


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Learn about the legal ramifications of contaminated hair/nail samples and how they can impact child custody cases, possibly becoming a criminal case.

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