Wider Relationship DNA Testing

We extend our DNA testing services beyond immediate parent-child relationships to encompass wider familial links, including third-degree connections. These tests are invaluable in various legal and civil contexts, providing irrefutable evidence of biological relationships where standard paternity or maternity tests may not suffice.

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Why DNA Testing is Required in Legal and Civil Cases

AttoLife offers a comprehensive suite of tests that cater to legal cases. Grandparentage tests are used to determine the biological relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Avuncular tests (Aunts/Uncles) are used to confirm relationships with one’s aunts or uncles. Cousin tests establish genetic connections between first cousins which can be pivotal in absence of nuclear family members. In many legal scenarios, confirming extended biological relationships can be just as crucial as verifying direct parentage. This is particularly pertinent in:

Inheritance Claims and Probate Cases:

Determining rightful heirs when the deceased’s will is ambiguous or when statutory declarations are contested.

Immigration Cases:

Supporting applications when direct relatives are not available for testing, requiring the establishment of biological ties through extended familial lines such as grandparents, cousins, or great-aunts/uncles.

Family Reunification Programs:

Facilitating the reunion of separated families, particularly in refugee or asylum situations where standard documentation of relationships is lacking.
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Why DNA Testing is Required in Legal and Civil Cases

Court Admissible Wider Relationship DNA Testing

If you’re in a legal situation concerning inheritance disputes, probate cases, or establishing familial connections, an AttoLife DNA test can help you establish familiar connections beyond parentage. We are able to explore biological relationships, including siblings, grandparents, and cousins, with results that meet stringent legal standards. Here’s what you need to know about our services:

Legal Compliance and Accreditation

Our testing is conducted in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17025. In addition we are approved by the Ministry of Justice to carry out court directed parentage tests under Section 20 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969.

Legal Compliance and Accreditation

Fast and Accurate Results

AttoLife understands the time-sensitive nature of legal proceedings. Our refined processes and advanced technologies enable us to deliver results swiftly—typically within 2 working days from the time samples reach our lab—without compromising the reliability or detail necessary for legal scrutiny.

Fast and Accurate Results

Global Collection Capabilities

While we are based in the UK with a sampler network of over 35 professionals, we also service cases all over the world including Pakistan, Nigeria, and Jamaica. Our dedicated team ensures the integrity of the testing process and guarantees timely and respectful sample collection.

Global Collection Capabilities

Expert Witness Statements

Results are provided in a clear, comprehensive format. Whether the case concerns inheritance, immigration or family reunification, our job is to provide clarity about family connections in the report, so that courts and authorities can make the most informed decisions about family relations.

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Expert Witness Statements